Sunday, March 15, 2009


ok so i basically nade a list of things i just cannot stand !! the top 10 things that bother VDAE goes as follows ...

uno ... stayin the house
dos ... ghetto people [HHOODDRRAATTSSS !!! ::RON STARR VOICE::]
3 ... people who pick their nose on the train
for ... the new juicey couture look taking harlem by storm
cinco de mayo ... ppl who only kno mainstream music
six ... when my mom yells @ me and gives me wat i want right after
sev7n ... cheating
8gh ... ppl that claim they started a trend that existed b4 they were even born
9 ... when boys try to stop me in the street and touch me in the process
TEN ... ppl who dont subscribe to my ish

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